Arbetet med hobbyprojekten går i skov och idag har det varit lite av ett ’DartScore’-skov… Nu fungerar installationen på en Raspberry Pi 3 och jag har även uppgraderat hårdvaran. Problemet tidigare var att knapparna satt på själva kameran och även om man satte fast den så hårt det gick rörde den sig ändå lite när man tryckte på en knapp och då funkar det ju inte… Så nu har jag lyft ut knapparna, lagt till fyra statusdioder och en switch. Jag gjorde ett kretskort som ska sättas i en liten låda och som i sin tur kan sitta i taket bredvid kameran. Prestandan på RPi 3 är ju också rejält mycket bättre än på den B+ som jag använde förut. När jag får nåt som funkar hyfsat igen är det dags för en uppdatering på GitHub men det får vänta lite.

Den nya hårdvaran till DartScore. Klämman är tänkt att sättas fast i en stång som sitter längs taket och kameran kan då enkelt justeras in.

Nördhörnan efter lite arbete… Det är lätt att ’stöka till det’.
I just came across your DartScorer. The Code looks very clean and good (compared to my mess haha).
I have also created a similar setup, python, opencv, raspberry and only one camera. I have some issues regarding the calibration, which seems to work fully automatic in your version?
Did you think about adding a second camera maybe and use triangulation?
I did not see a scoring system in your app? In my version the scoring of the found darts is already integrated…
Maybe I can contribute to your version, but I do not have a lot of time right now (I can also send you a link to my repo)…
Looking forwarding hearing from you! This system could help a lot of clubs etc.
Best regards,
Thanx for your comment and interest in my DartScore project!
I would very much like to cooperate in some way since I got a little stuck…
The status of my project is like this:
Calibration is ’halfway’, it finds the center and some sectors and can (almost) calculate the rest of the sectors. One problem to solve is how to map the calibrated picture of the board to a ’perfect’ bord with scores for each sector and make some kind of transform matrix in between. The project actually stopped at this point a year ago…
Other then that pretty much is finished. It finds the dart-hit, handles different states etc but not yet any score-calculation.
Besides that I have also been working on some interface with buttons and leds and also a fixture for the camera. It is VERY important that it doesn’t move after calibration. I have thought about using a second camera but not done anything since I would like to try the on-camera approach first.
Maybe you can send me a link to your repo and I can have a look at your work so far?
(This was also sent as email to Hannes)