Ny bok

Igår läste jag ut ’Born to run, jakten på löpningens själ’ som gav en hel del inspiration att börja springa. Nu blir det nåt annat igen, nämligen klassisk Science fiction. För ett tag sedan fick jag för mig att läsa ’Stiftelsen’ av Isaac Asimov igen. Jag läste de (då) tre böckerna för drygt 30 år sedan och när jag googlade så såg jag att det tillkommit några delar sedan dess. Nu är alla böckerna inhandlade från Adlibris och jag sätter igång med ’Prelude to Foundation’…

It is the year 12,020 G.E. and Emperor Cleon I sits uneasily on the Imperial throne of Trantor. Here in the great multidomed capital of the Galactic Empire, forty billion people have created a civilization of unimaginable technological and cultural complexity. Yet Cleon knows there are those who would see him fall – those whom he would destroy if only he could read the future.

Hari Seldon has come to Trantor to deliver his paper on psychohistory, his remarkable theory of prediction. Little does the young Outworld mathematician know that he has already sealed his fate and the fate of humanity. For Hari possesses the prophetic power that makes him the most wanted man in the Empire… the man who holds the key to the future – an apocalyptic power to be know forever after as the Foundation.

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